Out of lockdown it seems everyone wants a film!
And we are happy to oblige. After all – if you are looking for film production in Cornwall, you have come to the right place!
Filming at Goonhilly
Fionn started the week with a business-to-business film production based at Goonhilly Earth Station. What an iconic location – the UK’s Gateway to Space.

Fionn filming at Goonhilly
Falmouth Harbour Commissioners
Then Tuesday we were working with one of our favourite clients – Falmouth Harbour Commissioners. We have a variety of projects that we are working on for them. One of these is about the conservation efforts being made to preserve the sea grass beds in the harbour. These are vital as a nursery to all sorts of sea life. And we also shot footage of a new visitor to the harbour – the Saga cruise ship. Spirit of Discovery.

Spirit of Discovery passing Black Rock
Meanwhile on Wednesday River was off on a real fun mission. Working alongside Simon Green of Design79, he spent an amazing day near Newquay, at Dairyland, working on their new promo film. Great animal encounters – and so much more!

Fun at Dairyland
And a proposition…
Thursday was something very different. A visitor from Surrey wanted to propose to his girlfriend. And being romantically inclined, he did this on the Cornish cliffs, along with a string quartet! And we were there to film the event for him. Happily she said yes!
Plus a gig at The Minack
How else to round off a week like this than to film that icon of Cornish music – Will Keating – performing with some of his closest musical friends. River gave a live stream introduction to the whole amazing event. The weather co-operated. And an incredible evening was had by all.

Will Keating at Minack
Film Production in Cornwall
And this is why we love our jobs of film production in Cornwall. No two weeks are ever the same. And every day is incredible fun…