Starting a new career in video production in Cornwall…
Well not exactly new – at the beginning of June, River Owsley-Brown will have been working with us for 12 months. And yes, with his hyphenated name he does bring a touch of class to the studio…! But despite that handicap, he has decided to pursue a career in video production in Cornwall.
When we first encountered River he was still an undergraduate at Falmouth University, studying Acting. He was the face of the 3 Explainer Videos that we produced for the University. Here’s a shot from the making of those videos.

Fionn Crow and River Owsley-Brown
The other side of the camera…
When he graduated River thought he would see what life was like on the other side of the camera… And he’s fitted in extremely well. Because video production in Cornwall is an interesting and varied job. In the past 12 months he has produced a fund raising film for a school in The Gambia. He edited an instructional film about eye surgery. He has worked on film projects for Falmouth University. Voyaged to Scilly for the Plastic Pollution Paddleboard Challenge. And at the moment he is busy editing our new turtle documentary.
With the current lockdown it’s good to have a project to get stuck into, as obviously we can’t go out filming. And the travel restrictions resulted in a month long trip to Chile being postponed.
But luckily we shot all the footage for the turtle film before travel restrictions were imposed. We’ve spent the last few weeks clearing a backlog of edits for various clients. And although other jobs keep coming in – both edits we can do now and bookings for future filming – we are able to focus on turtles.
And in his spare time River is working on building content for his own You Tube channel…