Fashion Filming in Cornwall is a new line of work for us. We seem to be getting an amazing variety of work at the moment. And this latest project was no exception. Working with Professor Clare Saunders of Exeter University we have produced 5 short films under the title Fashion Justice.
The films are about the impact of the dyeing industry on communities in India. An industry that serves the western fashion trade.

The dyes
Quick Turnaround
It was a series with a quick turn around time. Clare needed the series for an online event. And then for wider broadcasting through the internet. Our new signing George rose to the challenge.
Clare is Professor in Environmental Politics on the University’s Penryn Campus. She has a keen interest on how our western tastes impact on the environment around the planet.
Contributors in India
Working with two collaborators in India, Clare provided us with some great footage to work with. Plus interviews with people actually working in the industry in India. These ranged from managers to shop floor workers, whose views were interestingly varied.
It’s an interesting story with many facets. The fashion industry is important for India. It provides jobs and income for the country. Yet it’s not without social costs. And the 5 films highlight some of these.

Living Conditions
Conditions improving but…
Workers have long hours and low pay. And although conditions are improving, they still have a long way to go to meet what would be acceptable standards. Also disposal of waste products from the manufacturing process. Yes again they are improving. But that is only in some locations. There is still a long way to go.
Other fashion filming in Cornwall
In fact thinking about it, this is not the first job we have had fashion filming in Cornwall. Because we have produced course films for Falmouth University’s Fashion and Textiles Institute. So maybe this will become a new strand of our ever varied workflow…