If you are producing information videos there are two approaches. You can produce boring typical public information videos. Or you can try something different. And nothing can work better than a little humour to get a point across.
Kernow King is without doubt Cornwall’s funniest man. So it was amazing to work with him for a day. And for new client too – Cornwall Citizen’s Advice.
Check out the video
It’s interesting how some jobs just evolve. Wailim Wong of Cornwall Citizens Advice came to our studio to discuss a possible project. We decided to try and make the video different to usual information videos. What about some humour? And as we evolved the concept with Wailim – well how about asking Kernow King? He might be too busy, but don’t ask don’t get…
Information Videos
We have plenty experience producing information videos. The 3 that we produced for Falmouth University have attained around 50,000 hits. Not bad when the subjects were just basic information. Such as how to approach an interview. Or how to prepare your portfolio. Information videos and explainer videos are required for a a wide variety of uses both on the internet and for presentations.

Fionn filming Kernow King
This film was about how to save energy this winter. Not the most gripping subject. But with KK on location there were more laughs than on any other job we have ever done to date.
It seems that the film is being very well received. Not only are people enjoying it; they are also learning how to save lots of pounds on energy expenses this winter. Plus learning what grant funding is available to help the.
And the good thing was that we all hit it off really well. And we’re already talking about future projects together.

Funniest shoot we have ever done!