Derrynane Harbour, County Kerry
National Magazine feature articles and filming
The West Coast of Ireland is truly spectacular. I first went there when I was 17. And I fell in love with the wild beauty of the place. In particular with Derrynane Harbour where I spent so many summers. So it was great to be back there again on a marine filming project. As Shark Bay Films we have produced many series of feature articles and accompanying videos for national magazines. And as Crow Creative we have continued building our reputation as specialists in the marine filming world.
West Coast of Ireland
The seas off Ireland’s west coast are stunning and full of life.

Dolphins off the bow
Plus there are some amazing local characters. Sneem’s Goat Man is on the village square every day. He must make a fortune from tourists dropping cash into his cap so they can have a photo taken with him!

Sneem local character – The Goat Man
Fastnet Lighthouse
The Irish coast is spectacular. We even managed to find a calm day to get out to the iconic Fastnet Rock. You can see Cecienne in the background – totally dwarfed by the massive lighthouse structure.

The iconic Fastnet Rock – Cecienne in background